Lincoln Military Housing Mold


Lincoln Military Housing Mold Issues Being Addressed

Since reports surfaced last year of Lincoln Military Housing mold problems, steps have been taken to alleviate the issue. First and foremost, all of the homes have been inspected, and will be continued to be inspected every six months to ensure that they are free of mold. Homes where mold had been found were cleaned and fumigated. Maintenance teams have also addressed the underlying issues that the mold had resulted from.


LincolnĀ Military Housing Mold Being Taken Seriously

The Navy began partnering with private firms to run the family housing units in 1996, with Lincoln Military Housing overseeing the mid-Atlantic region since 2005. After Republican Virginia congressman Scott Rigell got involved, raising questions brought to him by his constituents, the Navy and Lincoln worked together to develop a plan to address residents’ concerns and to ensure that housing units were better managed going forward.

In addition to inspecting each of the homes for mold, Lincoln has worked to inform residents how to spot mold in their homes, how to identify the type of mold and steps that can be taken to remove certain types of mold. Black mold must be removed by professionals since any disruption of the mold can release dangerous mold spores into the environment. Residents are encouraged to check their homes regularly and report any suspected mold colonies, even if they feel they can clean the area themselves.

Lincoln Military Housing Mold Prevention

There are a number of things residents of Lincoln Military Housing can do to prevent mold from developing in their homes. Check all water-using appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers, to ensure that seals are tight with no condensation forming around them. Make sure that all heat- and steam-producing appliances are vented to the outdoors, and use the exhaust fan to remove moisture from the air during and after a shower. Finally, be sure that any spills or standing water are thoroughly cleaned and dried.

Other Steps Taken at Lincoln Military Housing to Prevent Mold

In addition to inspecting homes for mold, the Navy and Lincoln have worked together to ensure that maintenance issues are addressed in a timely fashion going forward. The Navy has placed housing representatives throughout the area rather than having them in one central location. In addition, a senior enlisted service member has been appointed in each housing area to act as a liaison between residents and Lincoln to make sure that all problems are quickly and adequately addressed. Lincoln has also reviewed its organizational structure and made changes it feels are needed to ensure that Navy housing residents have confidence in their neighborhood’s management team.


Lincoln Military Housing Mold

In the last several months, mold has been reported in some Lincoln Military Housing residential units. When identifying and treating Lincoln Military Housing mold, quick, appropriate action is essential. Simple bleach has been used by some residents to eliminate mold in some cases, but may not be sufficient depending on the type of mold detected on a property.

Several companies have been brought in to test for mold and to treat when necessary. Inspections are currently being handled by Froehling & Robertson, Inc. and WSP Environment & Energy as of January 2012. The Navy hopes that using two companies to handle inspections will speed up the process and allow all Lincoln military housing residents who request mold inspections to receive them within the next several months.

To test for mold, these companies will perform air tests to detect airborne mold spores. Air tests will also determine the type of mold in a home. Some common molds like stachybotrys chartarum (also known as “black mold”) will need to be professionally removed, as mold spores will be released when the mold is disturbed in any way. Molds are often treated with various fungicides, and during treatment, families may need to temporarily vacate their homes.

Lincoln Military Housing residents should visually inspect their properties, as stachybotrys chartarum and other types of mold are often visible. Mold grows in moist areas and stachybotrys chartarum will require near-constant moisture to grow. Large colonies may appear black or greenish-black.

As soon as a large black mold colony is detected, it is important to contact your office to request assistance. Brown and greenish molds can often be removed with a fungicide or a 70/30 water-to-bleach mixture.

Stachybotrys chartarum is well-known for its coloration, but as many types of mold can have a similar appearance, residents should have colonies positively identified by an expert.

Mold colonies are common in any residential area, proper testing is essential to discover the extent of mold infestations and exact mold types. Until all properties are tested by professional mold removal companies, residents should check their own properties and report any mold colonies that they find.

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